since her passing they each have come to me to express their repressed desires. my oldest describes in detail fucking my hard cock while i was in a drunken stupor and me ejaculating in her. she says it happened a number of times for the life of me i can't remember but all my girls and i are very close sensually now
i never fucked any of my daughters or even intentionally enjoyed touching or being with them in a sexual manner. both my late wife and i agreed to break the cycle of interfamilial pleasure and see what happens, even though neither of us felt traumatized by what we experienced growing up. that said since my wife's passing all of them, especially the youngest, have expressed to me their feelings towards me growing up. it seems sometimes i would pass out on the sofa with my balls hanging out of my boxer shorts and they would take turns licking them and then pulling my schlong out and making me hard. i don't remember any of this but apparently their mom didn't know