






نبذة عني: Fetishist and extremist couple! She is a perverted submissive owned by her man, body, mind and soul. She is his doll, and she lets him control her however he wants. She now has a higher purpose that gives meaning to her life...serving men and their need to cum. He is a dominant and sadist, willing to push her submissive to an unimaginable limit. Her purpose is to use all her strength and masculinity to break her limits a little more. Here you can explore our BDSM videos, extreme rough sex, punishments, humiliation, face fucking, CNC and more extreme kinks.

نبذة عني

Fetishist and extremist couple!
She is a perverted submissive owned by her man, body, mind and soul. She is his doll, and she lets him control her however he wants. She now has a higher purpose that gives meaning to her life...serving men and their need to cum.
He is a dominant and sadist, willing to push her submissive to an unimaginable limit. Her purpose is to use all her strength and masculinity to break her limits a little more.
Here you can explore our BDSM videos, extreme rough sex, punishments, humiliation, face fucking, CNC and more extreme kinks.

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